
In the rapidly evolving automotive markets of today, the acceleration of product timelines, ongoing digital innovation, and heightened customer expectations are reshaping the industry landscape.

In this turbulent commercial environment, customer satisfaction reigns supreme. Employees, who are central to delivering the customer experience, must be backed by visionary leaders who foster innovation and adeptly steer change. Velocity’s automotive consulting services guide your business in shedding antiquated practices and embracing novel approaches to thinking, working, and providing service.

CX in Automative: Key to Sales


Customer Experience focuses on delivering a worthwhile and pleasant experience to each customer across all devices and interactions, meeting and often exceeding the expectations and commitments conveyed or promised. Our automotive strategy experts, with their profound industry knowledge, utilize specialized diagnostics and benchmarks to assist clients in strategy formulation and prioritization. We then guide them in identifying when and how to embrace new methods and products, collaborating closely to transform those concepts into tangible actions.

Integrated and Intelligent Selling

With a growing number of car buyers choosing online shopping experiences, dealers are pouring resources into digital sales tools to align with changing preferences. We enhance these investments by assisting automotive companies in bridging process gaps and delivering a flawless omnichannel experience.

True personalization is attuned to the individual, enabling the perfect message to connect with the right person at the opportune moment. We craft one-on-one dialogues with owners, focusing on their interests and aiming for an emotional connection. Dealers thus can build robust relationships throughout the sales cycle, attracting and expanding their customer base.

After Sales

Customers’ expectations for a dealership’s service department or body shop are straightforward yet steadfast: Repair the vehicle correctly the first time, charge a fair rate, and ensure the entire experience is convenient.

The encouraging part is that meeting these expectations will earn you long-term loyalty. However, delivering on these customer demands can often be more challenging than it sounds.

We can guide you in forging strong connections with digital consumers and their connected vehicles. This goes beyond simply understanding their behaviors and analyzing their data; we’ll teach you how to engage intelligently through the platforms they use daily. Together, we’ll develop and implement mobile solutions that capture and reward their attention, stimulate referrals, and expand your customer base.