Systems & Touchpoints

Identifying and incorporating the right systems or tools (including IT, Hardware, and Software) that fit your business’s digital needs is the cornerstone of the enterprise and its interactions with customers.

A touch point refers to any interaction between your brand and potential or existing clients, such as a website, social media page, email, business cards, brochures, and more. Ensuring that these touch points are in alignment with your brand is essential to optimizing conversion rates.

Velocity is here to assist in finding the ideal tools tailored to your business objectives and to harmonize and amplify your touch points. Reach out to us or begin with a quick digital health assessment for your business.

Integrations & Servers

To perform your daily tasks in the age where APIs rule the internet, having some different technologies (Website, email systems, CRM, SEO tools) that don’t speak to each other can consume a lot of time, be frustrating and chew your profit margin.

This also depends on servers and hosting providers you are using to deliver your solutions.

Sometimes a content delivery network (CDN) is necessary to keep everything loading fast for user wherever they are in the world.

The process starts with proper resource planning, implementation and scalability. Then maintenance and updates are crucial to keep your digital systems secure and running smoothly.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is an essential tool for managing all of your business’s relationships and interactions with existing or potential customers, clients, and strategic partners. It provides a clear overview of your business landscape, allowing you to understand and anticipate your customers’ needs more effectively.

By centralizing client information, a CRM helps you improve customer service, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions to grow your business.

Cybersecurity & Online Safety

In an era where regulations are constantly tightening to hold companies accountable for security breaches, and monetary losses from cyber incidents continue to grow, the consequences of a security breach can be devastating. That’s why having a cybersecurity partner on your side is crucial.

Such a partner should understand your business, work closely with you, and take a proactive approach to enhance your security posture. That’s exactly what we offer. Our services include comprehensive threat assessments, penetration testing, and architecture analysis. Additionally, we provide Detection and Response Services, Application Security, Cloud Security, Vulnerability Management, Incident Response & Forensics, as well as Managed Security Service and Monitoring.

With our assistance, you can bolster your defenses against the ever-present threat of cyberattacks, minimizing risks and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Connecting Disparate Data & IT Systems

Enhance both customer and employee experiences by streamlining interactions and making them more engaging and accessible.

1. Remove boundaries & complexities

Working in siloed IT environments makes everything harder. We bring in Master Data Management (MDM) to integrate disparate information and siloed applications so you can simplify overly complex data pipelines. Whether you need traditional or cloud-based integration, our data specialists help you more quickly realise your business outcomes.

2. Reap benefits faster

Maximizing the potential of your data requires innovative, flexible, and scalable solutions. Velocity’s award-winning team stands ready to deliver high-performing solutions through an architecture-driven approach, adherence to industry best practices, a focus on API management processes, and leveraging our own intellectual property.

3. Seamless & safe integration

Balancing speed with security is crucial in today’s digital landscape. Our integration experts are adept at middleware modernization and iPaaS strategy, helping you attain technology and business objectives without compromising compliance. The outcome is a seamless, secure integration that supports your needs.

AI-Based Chatbots

The pace of advancement in the AI field is rapid, and businesses of all types are now finding valuable applications for chatbots, particularly in enhancing customer engagement throughout the purchase funnel and providing round-the-clock support. With a plethora of chatbot services emerging, the standout ones create a customer experience (CX) so seamless that users might not even discern whether they’re interacting with a human or a machine.
Fundamental CX improvement that a business can leverage from a chatbot:

  1. Never sleeps, responds 24/7.
  2. Zero wait, rapid response no matter how many users on the site.
  3. Personalised to each visitor