Mall Sage

  • Branding
  • Digital
  • eCommerce
  • Marketing
  • Product Management
  • Strategy


Mall Sage is a SaaS product that helps shopping malls in providing enhanced retail experiences to their customers that result in increased footfall and sales.

It smartly cross-pollinates eCommerce with physical retail to deliver a range of features that delivers many wins: malls increase visibility into their stores, retailers can send offers to shoppers before they even walk in, and customers enjoy real-time insight into products.

Sheheryar Rafi,
Head of Product,
Mall Sage by Ebryx

Aligning our SaaS product with a competitive retail market like Dubai and gaining early traction was important to us. Velocity really gets what the client requirements are. They are commercially savvy which is important, they are accountable, and above all reliable. They took the time to immerse themselves into our venture to really understand our business goals. We look forward to continuing our partnership with them into the future.

The Challenges

  • Dubai has become a key player on the global retail landscape. 3 Million tourists arrive for the Dubai Shopping Festival alone. While the market offers opportunity, it is also very saturated. It thus became a challenge to define the target market to launch the core offering of Mall Sage with the sheer abundance of malls, shopping centres, retail centres etc.
  • Establishing credibility with potential customers was difficult as Mall Sage is a new offering, especially with its augmented reality features. Thus many potential customers may be hesitant to try it out.
  • As a SaaS product that combines physical retail and eCommerce features into a single platform, it was also important to understand which retailers had the operational maturity and thus be willing to participate or identify a need for a trial of something so innovative.
  • Velocity’s team first conducted extensive market research to identify and develop B2B customer profiles that would have a strong need for Mall Sage and thus be willing to participate in an MVP level engagement.
  • Our team then created comprehensive brand identity assets to align with the unique retail and B2B personas that we had identified at the market analysis stage
  • A cross-channel and integrated marketing campaign was launched that smartly targeted the low-hanging fruit opportunities in the market for near-term impact across a variety of touchpoints in the marketing funnel


  • In a new and saturated market, Velocity helped the team at Mall Sage build strong business and market intelligence capabilities early on. This would prove to be instrumental in the go-to market strategy
  • Mall Sage was brand-ready for the competitive retail market in the UAE with an innovative offering that was amplified via our branding activities targeted to key market players
  • At the MVP stage, Velocity was able to help Mall Sage optimise their marketing budget by focusing on the right areas, resulting in the product being ready for demos and trials at some of the most prestigious retailers across Dubai and the wider UAE